The Game
Shaq Fu is a fighting game by Electronic Arts and Delphine Software that was released for the Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Super Nintendo, and the Nintendo Game Boy. It was also later ported to the Amiga home computer system.
The game stars Shaquille O’Neal. On his way to a charity basketball game in Tokyo, Japan, he enters a Kung Fu dojo. He soon stumbles into another dimension and is sent on an epic quest to rescue a young boy from the nefarious mummy Sett-Ra.
The ground breaking story straight from the manual is as follows:

Long ago and far away, in a place called The Second World, there ruled the heartless sorcerer Sett Ra. His hunder for power still gnawed at him even though his dominance over the Second World was unchallenged; he longed to extend his grasp to the fair First World, Earth.
Sett Ra’s plan was simple. He would destroy the Pharaoh of Egypt and usurp his throne. He created a perfect assassin from his own shadow who would serve him without question. This shadow became Beast, the mightiest and most loyal of all Sett Ra’s minions. Beast destroyed the Pharaoh, and the disguised Sett Ra soon sat upon his throne.
However, the Pharaoh’s son Ahmet was not deceived. He brazenly confronted the powerful sorcerer, threatening to reveal him. Sett Ra called forth Beast from his shadowy other domain. Ahmet barely escaped the palace to the Great Desert, where his grandfather, Leotsu the Wise, dwelt as a monk and hermit. Leotsu and Ahmet united with a coven of powerful wizards from the lands beyond Egypt, and their combined power was able to sent Sett Ra back to the Second World, comatose and imprisoned within a rune-encrusted pyramid. He slumbered for a millennium, bound by the wrappings of a mummy.

Beast roamed the Second World, dedicated to finding an releasing his dread master. Successful at least, Beast and Sett Ra vow to wreak havoc on those who stopped them before. They have gathered a battalion of formidable fighters to further this end.
To regain his full strength and to end his exile from the First World, Sett Ra must perform an ancient ritual upon a descendant of Ahmet. Beast has now returned from Earth with the child Nezu, a child in whose veins the royal blood runs pure. All is ready for the final cataclysmic battle - only the Chosen One who possesses strength, spirituality, courage, agility, intelligence and unsurpasses skill in matial arts.
Where will the world find such a one?
Only Shaq Knows.
For more information on the game, visit Wikipedia’s page on Shaq Fu. This section will be expanded later.