The Shaqalogue
This page is currently under construction. However, we would be glad to give you a “Sneak Peek” into the Shaqalogue.
Every Shaq Fu has a story. An origin, per se. And that is what will be here. Every Shaq Fu we acquire will be marked with a “Shaq ID Number” to tell it apart from its brothers. Don’t fret! This process is painless! From there, we will find out the key infomation about the said Shaq Fu and what it likes to do with its life. A picture will be taken and the story will be told.
Shaq ID: #1

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: The first of many. This one started it all. A gift on a fine Autumn’s night. This one came, with the help of a fist, came busting through the backseat of AJ’s car through the trunk. It now traverses the malls checking out local fountains for peaceful meditation.
Shaq ID: #2

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: The second of seven of the original Shaq Fus. Later in the night this one was pulled from the trunk and thrust into the hands of drak. A shock to all around. It is now obsessed with Palm Trees, and tries to live amongst them where it feels it rightfully belongs.
Shaq ID: #3

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: The third of the fateful seven. Liberated from its neon green prison, this Shaq Fu is now living the life of luxury. Here it can be seen enjoying an ocean view from a hotel in Clearwater Beach, Florida.
Shaq ID: #4

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: The fourth of seven. A more depressing story. While in containment it was forced to watch nothing but “The Bridges of Madison County.” This seems to have left a mark, as this Shaq Fu only feels at peace when near a bridge.
Shaq ID: #5

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: The fifth of seven. This heroic Shaq Fu has taken up boating. It likes to charter people around the great seas, always keeping a sharp look out for adventure.
Shaq ID: #6

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: The sixth of seven. After its time in confinement, it became focused on becoming one with the world through spirituallity. As of yet, it hasn’t had much success.
Shaq ID: #7

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: The last of seven. The final Shaq Fu that was gifted on that fateful night. It seems that this one has embraced its feminine side and has started a collection of fairy statues. Currently, this seems harmless, but if it escalates, we will be sure to get it some emotional help.
Shaq ID: #8

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: This timid Shaq Fu as taken up the Fine Arts. Here it can be seen posing underneath one of its favorite sculptures.
Shaq ID: #9

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Milford, Ohio
Donated By: AJ
Bio: Quite a sad tale. After being branded in its makeshift prison, this Shaq Fu tries to hide among crowds of other beaten and abused games in hopes that no one will see its mark. It has, however, made quite a few cultured friends this way.
Shaq ID: #10

Origin: eBay
Donated By: AJ
Bio: A darker minded Shaq Fu. It has requested we take its picture in black and white so it can match the photo it is trying to be in. This Shaq Fu likes nothing more than to paint in grey, cry in the rain, and construct poorly written poetry. It also seems to have quite a rebelious streak. It classifies itself as “One whose soul has fallen into a dark abyss. Bleeding out the black ashes in a world full of pain and misery.” Depressing indeed.
Shaq ID: #11

Origin: Gameswap
Donated By: AJ
Bio: Another one of the few that has it's case still intact. This fellow got a taste of Latin instruments and couldn't get enough. Now it often seperates itself from it's case in hopes of being able to play two congas at once. This has proven futile however, as a Shaq Fu case clearly cannot play a conga.
Shaq ID: #12

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: Nelson Wills
Bio: We're not sure what to make of this one. On the one hand, it was lucky enough to have been able to maintain not only it's case, but also it's manual. However, it also seems to chain itself up like a dog from time to time. Perhaps this is just a view into the twisted tormented past of this Shaq Fu.
Shaq ID: #14

Origin: Eastgate Mall Gameswap — Eastgate, OH
Donated By: drak
Bio: The first of the Game Gear Shaq Fus obtained. Purely be accident, actually. Drak had purchased a Game Gear and 20 games for $35.00 one day, and this just happened to be in the load. However, it has gained an interesting obsession with ceramic fruits. It claims to love them for their smoothness. So smooth ...
Shaq ID: #15

Origin: eBay
Donated By: AJ
Bio: Purchased on the blaq market of Shaq Fus, eBay, this one was freed from destruction and brought all the way from the state of Nevada to find a new home. Rather lethargic after its journey, you can see it here relaxing on a comfy chair. This was the first SNES copy.
Shaq ID: #18

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Newport, KY
Donated By: AJ
Bio: As this Shaq Fu was raised in Northern Kentucky, it had heard of an upcoming performance by Andy McKee and Johnny Dickinson. Being the fan that it is, it requested itself to be autographed by the legend himself. It has become quick friends with Shaq Fu Number 68, which also happens to make a cameo here as well.
Shaq ID: #21

Origin: Tricounty Mall Gameswap — Springdale, OH
Donated By: Gameswap Employees
Bio: This fine Shaq was a secret held by the employees at Gameswap. They were guarding it and telling people they had no copies of Shaq Fu just so they wouldn’t be destroyed. However, when informed of our goals, they gladly handed it over, helpfully marked “Priceless”. It now enjoys strolls down Epiphany Lane viewing the Bay of Clearwater Beach awaiting its next big adventure.
Shaq ID: #29

Origin: Amazon
Donated By: AJ
Bio: Purchased from a merchant on, this was the first Gameboy copy that was acquired. We assume it must have been around a lot of churches before finding it's new home here with us, as it seems to have an affinity for stained glass. As you can see, it is pictured here in it's favorite location.
Shaq ID: #57

Origin: Gamecity 360 — Milford, Ohio
Donated By: AJ
Bio: This faded wonder seems to have had quite a past. The color of it tells us it was definitely left in the sun at some point in time. It also comes with silver Void warranty sticker from what appears to be a Blockbuster in Louisville Kentucky. We are not sure how it managed to travel this far, and it's ability to move around from place to place still astounds us today. Sitting high atop a light fixture, we are still unsure how it got there.
Shaq ID: #62

Origin: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Donated By: Mariano Ratti (AKA Mr. Torture)
Bio: One of Nine that came from the land of Argentina. As you can here, it seems to be quite confused as to what it actually IS. We believe the reasoning for this is it seems to be a bootleg copy. It has yet to have any success playing itself in a VCR.
Shaq ID: #68

Origin: The Netherlands
Donated By: Ruben van Ophuizen (AKA H Hog)
Bio: Our first PAL copy arrived with our first Amiga Copy. They traveled half way across the world from the Netherlands to arrive here. This copy has made friends with Number 18 for their shared love of Acoustic Guitar Artists. It was signed by Johnny Dickinson who also wrote "From Europe" on the back. The front was signed by Andy McKee when he signed Number 18 as well.
More to come! There are many more Shaq Fus to be chronicled in the Shaqalogue.